Saturday, September 24, 2016

Teenager Wrecks Dad's 1.2M Pounds Yacht

A teenager who took his dad’s luxurious yacht out for a ride left the vessel a write-off after crashing it onto rocks in the French Riviera.

Lucas, 18, had taken his four friends out for a ride on his multi-millionaire father’s yacht in St. Tropez and hadn’t realise they’d entered 2-foot deep waters. According to local media, as the draught of the 56-feet yacht was only 1.6 foot, the teens crashed when they struck some rocks.

The local rescue services said the five teenagers were lucky to escape uninjured as the yacht crashed right into the rocks without turning over. Pierre-Yves Barasc of the rescue services said: ‘If they had crashed 30 feet away, they surely would have died.’
The coast guard added that the accident was caused by the teenagers’ amateurism.

Lucas’ father, who is a rich industrialist from Belgium, owns a large estate in Port Grimaud, near St. Tropez.

His yacht, which was built in 2009 and weighs 30 tonnes and cost £1.2m, reportedly cannot be salvaged and will likely end up in the scrapyard.

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Source: Metro News

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