Saturday, September 3, 2016

PMB's Economic Team, Round Pegs in Square Holes - Spokesperson of Northern Elder's Forum

An excerpt of an interview with Ango Abdullahi, who is the spokesperson of the Northern Elder's Forum. Here's what he had to say when asked to assess the economic team of the current administration.This is what we are talking about. We are in a bad economic situation and our political class is responsible. Now, it is obvious that we have square pegs in round holes, otherwise, they cannot be sitting and be looking at our economy as if it is normal because it is not a normal economy at all and the kind of emergency measures they are trying to put in place will only split the economy between the rich and the poor and by the time we succeed in doing that, we are going to create a mess. Because by the time they succeed in doing what they are trying to do, hand over the economy to the elite and leave the rest of 80-90 per cent out there in the cold, then, we cannot expect a peaceful reso lution of our social and economic crises.

For the details of the full interview, click here

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