Friday, September 9, 2016

Boys, Aged 7 & 10 Arrested In Cameroon For Raping & Killing 1-Year-Old Girl

A very disturbing story is developing from Kumbe Balindo, Ndian Division in the South West region of Cameroun that two little boys, aged 7 and 10, have reportedly raped and killed a 1 year old girl. Sources in Mundemba, capital of Ndian Division reported that, after the act the two boys forced the girl into a pit toilet and then used a stick to hit her to death.

Even with the presentation of the two kids to the public earlier today by the forces of law and order, a traditional ruler of the area made reservations about the story, stating that he doubted if young boys could get an erection or do such damage to the baby's private parts as indicated in the medical reports.

There are suggestions that someone is using the children to hide a ritual crime. The bad news is that the two boys have admitted throwing the little girl in the toilet and killing her whilst she was in there.

Isn't this just plain madness???

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