Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Series Review: Hush Season 1 Episode 108

Here is a quick recap of Hush which aired this evening.

·         The so called Tech Meets Fashion show is finally over and trust Oga Sai to blow it up and say it was a success when Bem asked even though the other House of Tsenogo employees did not think so. Bem asked the HOT employee to keep him informed on the reviews. Bem later found out about a review which basically hyped and praised all Koko bridals designs and Oga Sai was scared he was gonna be fired. Bem obviously isn’t pleased. 

·         Meanwhile,Coco and Oye are still not happy their mum is around and Oye prefers to still keep mum about her daughter 

·         Adze tried desperately to take down the Arinola post from Aploko and after further threats from Bem, he succeeded. That seems to have come at a cost to his Aploko app as all their servers have gone dark 

·         Folahon (with his smooth voice and sweet physique) is still plotting how to take Bem down and this rage even increases when he finds out from Mr Benson (the Populous guy that seems like the spokesperson) that Bem had the power to stop the whole Vina issue and the entire case from going to court but he chose not to. 

·         Sule is still being Sule…. He asked Koko’s mum to beg on his behalf…….story developing. 

·         Adrianna, the annoying PA to the lawyer visits Adze again to give him the impression that she wants more than work stuff….hmmmm trust the foolish Adze to fall for that too….anyway, let's wait for his response. 

·         Meanwhile, Mr Livingstone visited the lawyers…story still developing. 

·         Folahon asked Tishe how she knows Bem, trust her to throw it back at him and he obviously denied knowing him but claims that he just knows that Bem is bad. 

·         Rufi Jackson as usual came out to play and seems to think Oye is moody because Testosterone (Tes) has made her sad. It seems they (Rufi and Alabama) want to teach Tes a lesson.

On what will be shown tomorrow, it seems Bem asked Sai to make a proposal to Coco Bridals on a possible takeover.

My thoughts

I always used to think that there could be none in this world more silly than that Spiff cast on The Johnsons, but I was wrong. ADZE!!!!! is the silliest and most gullible of them all.

I love hush like my favourite swallow and soup but mehn! they just had to kill off Arinola?  just as i was beginning to enjoy the love story?

My favourite character still remains Rufi Jah Jah ...Rufi Jackson. I personally think he is the star of the show. I almost died when some episodes ago, he saw Tes with flowers on the way to bury his mum. Rufi thought the flowers were for Oye and he goes '' Aganawana....ha o lon ra flawa fun Oye, she no like vegetable oh''....meaning ''you are buying flower for Oye,she doesn't like Vegetables....loool.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this mini recap, please let me know who your favourite Hush character is and ''haff a goodbye''

1 comment:

  1. Totally loving this Hush recap. Keep it up guys!!!
