Monday, September 12, 2016

South Sudan Politicians Enriched Themselves While the Country Burned In Civil War

South Sudan's political and military elite have made themselves rich while the country has struggled under a civil war of their making, a report says.

Commissioned by actor George Clooney, the document accuses President Salva Kiir, opposition leader Riek Machar, and top generals of profiteering.

It follows the trail of money with links to the families of both Mr Kiir and Mr Machar.
Those named have not yet responded to the allegations.

The report's authors spent two years collecting evidence and testimony on behalf of a new investigative unit - called The Sentry - which was co-founded by the US actor.

Mr Clooney said the evidence was "detailed" and "irrefutable" and that it was time for the world to take action.

The actor said international lawyers, banks and real estate were involved in criminal behaviour linked to the militias and innocent civilians were paying the price.

"They're stealing the money to fund their militias to attack and kill one another," he said.

"We can either take action or we can spend the next decade mopping up the mess."

Entitled War Crimes Shouldn't Pay, the report has found that "top officials ultimately responsible for mass atrocities in South Sudan have at the same time managed to accumulate fortunes, despite modest government salaries".

"Some have been involved in questionable business deals while others have apparently received large payments from corporations doing business in South Sudan."

Report's main findings:

◾Key catalyst of South Sudan's civil war has been competition for the grand prize - control over state assets and the country's abundant natural resources - between rival kleptocratic networks led by President Kiir and Vice-President Machar

◾Leaders of warring parties manipulate and exploit ethnic divisions in order to drum up support for a conflict that serves the interests only of the top leaders of these two networks

◾Much of the wealth accumulated by these leaders is in the form of high-end properties outside the country and extensive commercial holdings in both public sector and oil services contracting in South Sudan

◾Family members of President Kiir and Mr Machar reside in luxurious homes outside South Sudan, including homes in one particular upmarket neighbourhood of Nairobi, Kenya

◾Gen Malong, whose salary is about $45,000 per year, has at least two luxurious villas in Uganda in addition to a $2m mansion in a gated community in Nairobi

◾President Kiir's 12-year-old son had a 25% share in a holding company

◾At least seven of President Kiir's children as well as his wife, First Lady Mary Ayen Mayardit, have held stakes in a wide range of business ventures

◾Lawyers play a crucial role in facilitating South Sudan's violent kleptocratic system

◾International actors profit from instability and continued violence

Where ever there is a prolonged crises, there will always be some people who will be benefiting from it and they will not want it to end.

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