Thursday, September 8, 2016

Series Review: Hush Season 1 Episode 114

Here is a recap of tonight’s episode of Hush

  • Tes rants to Adze and Billz about his job search and how he was treated badly and they suggest that they can help him with his political Vlog online. He later shows up at Arin’s office to see Oye who apparently happened to be crashing there after lying that she was staying at a hotel. He comforted her as she has plenty issues, no money, no sister and that she is a bad mother. They had lunch and seemed to enjoy each other’s company and he told her about his new Vlog. She seemed uneasy considering that someone that had that same type of Vlog died or was killed.
  • Vina went to Adze’s part of the house and sat down like the queen of the coast and Adze went ballistic when he saw her. He asked her to leave severally and when she refused claiming that she was there Tes, crazy Adze locked her inside……. She was there till Tes returned and it actually seemed like she needed a friend considering her parents and Adze hate her. Tes comforts her and she ends up helping him with a name for his Vlog.
  • Meanwhile Folahon and Adze & Folahon and Bem are still on each other like cat and dog. Folahon asked Adze about Vina and trust him to give a rude reply to which Billz ended up begging on his behalf (he seems to be to doing a lot of that lately). Folahon also tried to remind Bem of Arin’s dead pictures that surfaced, offering fake friendship just to rub it in and trust Bem to reciprocate asking if Tishe told him how good he is in bed. Folahon almost convulsed!
  • Populous is doing promotion ooo! For Adze and Billz’ rank to move to the next level. It was only Billz and another guy that got promoted. Adze didn’t seem to mind but he was shocked when Billz did not pick him as a partner to work with him……lool… sharp guy, knows he cannot trust Adze with his life. 

My view

Well….no real action happened today but I like Tes and Oye combo. Adze just looks like he can kill Vina one day if his brain touches. I have also started liking Tishe too, can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode where she turned red with hatred and jealousy just because Bem seemed to make some funny comment to the lawyer. She should sha not go and kill her.
Please leave your comments if you like this review and let me know if there are any other shows you would like to catch up on. Thanks!!!!

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