Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lawyer Sues Airline After Nine-Hour Flight Next To Overweight Man

An Italian lawyer is suing Emirates airline after being squashed next to a plus-sized fellow passenger for a nine-hour flight.

Giorgio Destro, from Padua, northern Italy, found the uncomfortable flight from Cape Town to Dubai so frustrating that he’s demanding a refund for the price of his ticket, plus damages.

He told Italian paper Mattino Padova: “For nine hours, I had to stand in the aisle, sit on seats reserved for the cabin crew when they were free, and in the final phase of flight resign myself to suffer the ‘spillover’ of the passenger at my side.”. The fed up 'gold flyer’ member says he asked to move seats a few hours into the flight, but was told the plane was fully booked.

The fed up selfie he took as evidence of his cramped seating conditions says it all.

When no compensation was offered, Destro decided to take matters into his own hands. He is suing Emirates for a total of €2,759.51 (£2,375.23) in compensation - €759.51 (£653.87) as a refund for the flight, and €2,000 (£1,721.81) in damages.

An Emirates spokesperson told Mail Online Travel: “Emirates is unable to comment on this particular case as it is an ongoing legal matter.”

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Source: YNews

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