Thursday, September 1, 2016

If You Think That Nigerian Politics Is Deadly, Checkout Gabon! They Used Miltary Helicopters to Bomb the Opposition Headquarters

PDP members should be praying that APC does not borrow a leaf from their African colleagues. The Gabonese Opposition leader, Jean Ping just told the BBC that a presidential guard helicopter bombed their headquarters and killed two people.

Here's what lead up to this.

Gabon recently held elections, and true to African form, announced that the incumbent, President Ali Bongo was reelected. Please note that Ali Bongo's father, Omar Bongo was president of the oil rich nation from 1967 to 2009, when his son was 'elected'.

So, when it was announced that Ali Bongo had won another elections, the Gabonese could not take it again. Which kain family business be this sef? They set thier parliament on fire (Nigerians can learn a lot from them), as a sign of protest.

Of course strong-man Bongo would not take it lying down. He sent military helicopters to bomb the headquarters of the oppostion party. The Gabonese election process has officially become more interesting that the American elections. Trump and Clinton are there insulting themselves on twitter, while these guys are bombing themselves. Now, thats some real ish!

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